State of Turkey
Military - Defection, siege of Izmir (4.3 million) - So far, military casualties are estimated at 1800, confirmed civilian casualties stands at 12 Political - No acting central government at this time. Turkey has fragmented into four distinct factions. - CHP - Controls Istanbul with ~80% support - Has troops: 80,000; these are mostly located in Istanbul - Led by Kılıçdaroğlu - AKP - Controls central chunk of country including Ankara - Most likely has most popular support, but unknown - Has troops: Gendarmerie (150,000); 30,000 military forces - Led by Yildirim (Oktay died suddenly, said to be from natural causes, but unconfirmed) - Kurds - 240,000 troops, increasing as - Declared as an independent state - Led by Karayılan of the Kurdish Worker’s Party - Likely has plenty of money due to siphoning off energy flow from oil pipeli...